Tattoo Supply Depot strives to bring you the lowest prices and highest quality tattoo and medical supplies that you can find.
Everything from the best name brands in the tattoo business: Fusion Ink, Inksanity Ink, Dynamic Ink, Zuper black ink, pre-packaged tattoo needles, disposable tubes, H2Ocean products, Stencil Stuff, Spray Stuff, Prep Stuff, low priced green soap and anything else you might need in your supply needs.
We take orders over the website and can take orders over the phone, the only thing you need is a credit card. Call us today and talk to one of our sales associates!
Tattoo Supply Depot is also a brick and mortar store located in San Antonio, TX. Come into the shop to see what in store specials we have going on and what specialty items we have that we aren't selling on the website.